I samarbeid med IMAGO, Norsk filminstitutt og Nordisk Film & TV Fond, arrangerer FNF for femte gang Oslo Digital Cinema Conference.
Årets konferanse går av stabelen fra 30. oktober til 01. november, og kan tradisjonen tro skilte med et svært spennende og variert program!
I år får konferansen blandt annet besøk av Dick Pope fra BSC, som skal holde en mesterklasse der han vil dele sine erfaringer og snakke om sitt arbeid.
Dick Pope var nylig nominert til oscar for sitt arbeid på Mike Leigh’s Mr. Turner, som også vil bli vist i sin helhet under konferansen. Denne mesterklassen alene, burde være grunn nok for de fleste filmfotografer og andre interesserte, til å holde av datoene og sikre seg en plass så snart som mulig.
Siste frist for påmelding er 25. oktober!
Les mer om konferansens program under, eller besøk ODCC sine hjemmesider for mer informasjon og påmelding.
Friday October 30th
11.00 Arrival, registration and coffee
12.00 Conference opening and welcome speech by Imago, and fnf President Rolv Haan.
12.15 Creative cinematography and camera control: Camera settings and the post-productionpipeline: Creative possibilities. Moderator: Philippe Ros AFC (France) – with Tom Crocker, Sony, Harald Brendel, Arri, Mark Grieve Red, Luc Bara, Panasonic with Dave Stump ASC , Rolf Coulanges, BVK (Germany), Lars Beyer DFF (Denmark), John Chr Rosenlund FNF and Cem Ozkillicci, colorist/Canada.
14.00 What Next for Digital Cinema: A host of new options but what makes best sense for creators, exhibitors and the audience? Silver Screens, High Gain Screens, new projection technologies: HFR, Laser Light, Mercury Lamps: the consequences. Kommer Kleijn SBC/Imago Tech Com.
14.45 Coffee
15.30 Characteristics and limitations of Digital Colour Photography. Harald Brendel, Arri Science
16.15 How to control the film images: How to maximize the cooperation with Digital imaging technicians (DITs)during production. Rolf Coulanges bvk, John Chr Rosenlund fnf & Francesco Luigi Giardiello, 4K London.
17.00 Challenges of LED lighting: Per Böhler and Henrik Moseid, Softlights/France.
17.40 Archiving our images for the future: Latest developments in archiving software and hardware.Mark Turner, Video4.
18.10 Drinks and social mingling in the Norwegian Film Institute Café sponsored by Imago and fnf
19.00 Screening “Mr. Turner” – also for general audience. DOP Dick Pope BSC will attend.
Saturday October 31st
09.30 Coffee
10.00 Master Class: Dick Pope BSC Twice nominated for Oscar, DP on Mike Leigh ́s films, not least the highly
acclaimed “Mr. Turner”. Screening clips and hosted by Rolv Haan fnf and Kjetil Lismoen, RushPrint
12.00 Lunch and coffee
12.45 Presentation of ODCC Partners: LCA, London and Interfoto, Oslo.
13.15 Drones, Russian arms, Technocranes etc: The latest in remote cinematography
Daniel Casselby, Aircam Sweden AB, og Moviebird.
13.45 New camera developments: News updates by Arri, Panasonic, Red and Canon.
15.00 Coffee
16.00 Virtual reality in cinematography: Live transmission session from LA hosted by Dave Stump ASC
17.00 Screening of demo sequences by Dave Stump ASC (end 17.30)
19.00 Food, drinks, social mingling and party for all delegates. Hosted by Storyline, Imago and fnf.
Sunday November 1st
09.30 Coffee
10.00 Case study VFX/Virtual reality in Film production: “The Wave” (“Bølgen”) – in detail.
DP, production, VR/VFX, pre/post and colorist team gives you a detailed study of the process from plan to finish. The necessary and vital cooperation between Producer, Director, Production Designer,
Continuity, DP and Post:
Full tech on screen details demo: how it was done and how they succeeded.
ACES and DPX: “Filmlight” and The Academy Color Encoding System ACES was a central part of the production of “The Wave”. Information session: DPX and ACES compared – The latest developments of Filmlight + demo, and the development, pros and cons of ACES, so far.
Participants: DP John Chr Rosenlund, colorist Cem Ozkillicci, vfx supervisor Lars Erik Hansen Gimpville, Daniele Siragusano, Filmlight London, Dave Stump, ASC, and Lina Nordquist, Prod. Designer “The Wave”
12.30 Lunch
13.15 HDR – High dynamic range imaging: the future for film images?
Equipment, techniques and consequences in filmmaking/cinematography Harald Brendel, ARRI
13.45 VR Previz: The development of a new norm for pre-vizualisation: POPART.
14.15 Update on the work and focus from Imago and ASC Technical Committees Philippe Ros afc and Kommer Kleijn Imago TC, Dave Stump ASC Tech. Committee
15.00 Conference end
NB: Changes and additions to the programme will occur!
Final programme will be published Oct 20th.