OK Go har produsert en musikkvideo som er spekket av optiske illusjoner. Verdt å ta en titt
Just when the idea of one-take videos seemed in danger of getting a little stale, OK Go ups the ante. Previous efforts from the band have featured a staggeringly complex Rube Goldberg machine and of course the famous treadmill dancing, but the video for new song «Writing’s On the Wall» applies their ambitious choreography toward creating visual mind puzzles. The video takes place in a Brooklyn lot, not unlike the one from «This Too Shall Pass,» and uses paint, mirrors, 3-D street art, and perfect timing to create what amounts to a series of living Magic Eye posters.
According to Rolling Stone, the video took nearly three weeks to rehearse and 50 takes to get right. As a result, most viewers could probably watch it for three weeks straight and not figure out how it was made. We might not be talking about the music when we talk about OK Go, but as long as they continue to push themselves to the limit, we’ll continue talking about them.