Letter form the President/ Imago

Letter form the President/ Imago

Nigel Walters (BSC) deler her sine tanker om 2014 go Imago go filmfotografers fremtid.» Lessons form the past to the future»It is a privilege in my fifth year as President of Imago to send you Best Wishes for a Happy Christmas and a successful New Year on behalf of all members of the Board.

The Imago Board consists of voluntary members from Belgium, Germany, Estonia, Italy and Bulgaria. Our webmaster is from Portugal and the “Deputy” Board members represent Finland, Australia, Serbia and Israel. Cinematographers are indebted to Dr Cristina Busch from Spain, our Legal Advisor who continues to promote the interests of cinematographers in Brussels.

Highlights of the past year have included a successful Conference at Mons, Belgium; participation in the Manaki Brothers and Camerimage Festivals, both devoted to cinematography; another outstanding Oslo Digital Conference organised by the Norwegians under Paul-Rene Roestad FNF and a continuation of the series of “Inspirational” Master Classes which transferred this year from Copenhagen to Vienna.
The Balkan Conference in Bitola epitomised the value of Imago. It brought together for the second year delegates from seven nations, both cinematographers and those responsible for film production in the region. Cinematographers and guests found the Conference constructive and rewarding. One outcome will be a Directory of all Balkan Cinematographers and production facilities. Again Imago is grateful for the generosity and encouragement shown by the Manaki Brothers Festival Committee under Labina Mitevska in hosting this valuable Conference.

As each year ends it is also my pleasure to thank Imago sponsors without whom the Federation would accomplish little. Their role extends beyond generosity to friendship. Imago is grateful for the support and advice which is always offered. I make no apology for listing them for cinematographers to appreciate the companies which give more than lip service to support your Societies. They are : Band Pro Munich: Cirro Lite: DoP Choice: K5600 Lighting: Sparks, Camera and Lighting Budapest: Piuma World: Cooke Optics: Transvideo: Photo Cine Rent Paris: Ronford Baker: P&S Teknik GMBH: Panavision UK: ARRI Munich: Sony Nordic: Thales-Angenieux: Airstar International: Eastman Kodak: Leica : Red Europe : Lee Filters: Miller Australia.

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